NEV Sales Data of Retail Market from Jan to Nov 2023 of China

New Energy Vehicle Sales Data of Retail Market of China
Time Period: Jan to Nov 2023
No. NEV Manufacturer Jan - Nov 2023 Jan - Nov 2022 YoY Growth Market Share
1 BYD Auto 2,405,860 1,576,269 52.60% 35.30%
2 Tesla China 527,859 397,844 32.70% 7.80%
3 GAC Aion 439,633 243,750 80.40% 6.50%
4 Geely Auto 409,926 265,879 54.20% 6.00%
5 SAIC-GM-Wuling 390,679 403,258 -3.10% 5.70%
6 Changan Auto 342,669 177,720 92.80% 5.00%
7 Li Auto 325,677 112,013 190.70% 4.80%
8 Great Wall Auto 208,932 115,054 81.60% 3.10%
9 NIO Auto 142,026 106,671 33.10% 2.10%
10 Leap Motor 125,537 102,675 22.30% 1.80%

Resource: China Passager Car Association

Highlights of Sale Data of Jan to Nov 2023

1) BYD is the 1st brand selling NEV over 1 million units in China in 2023, with absolute leading market share of 35.3%;

2) Li Auto is the only brand growing more than 100%, at 190.7%;

3) SAIC-GM-Wuling is the only brand over the top 10 with negative growth rate of -3.1%.

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