Sales Data of Dec 2023: BYD

Sales Data of Dec 2023: BYD

There are so many breakthroughs of BYD in Dec 2023. 

BYD wins Tesla in Q4 in China BEV market 

BYD beats Tesla in Q4 in Chinese BEV market for the 1st time. According to sales report from both companies, BYD delivered 525K units of BEV, while Tesla at 485K units.  Although BYD sold less in term of annual sales of BEV, BYD will surpass Tesla from next year in China BEV market.

most expensive Chinese EV: BYD Yangwang U8

Yangwang U8, BYD's first EREV with the highest selling price of CNY1.098M, was sold 1,593 units, to be Top 1 with the selling price over CNY1M.

BYD delivered 3m units of Electric vehicles in 2023

BYD delivered over 3 million NEVs in 2023, the Top1 brand and the 1st Chinese brand to make it.

BYD manufactured 6 million NEVs

BYD manufactured over 6 million of NEVs so far, half of which were done in 2023.

Yeah, BYD leaded new energy vehicles in 2023, and will level up from 2024.

Do contact Advencar if you are interested in distributing BYD in your area

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